Estimulative bee feeding supplemented with protein and its effect on honey production
This paper reports a field trial carried out in the Estação Experimental de Zootecnia de Pindamonhangaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil, from October 1979, to October 1980, intended to know f the feeding honey bee colonies with sugar syrup, du ring the 6 €” 7 weeks prior the nectar flow can result in even better honey yield when supplemented with protein. The underlying assumption was that, even when the bees have free access to natural pollen, the daily intake can remain in a level inadequate to supply the increased demand caused by the expansion of brood rearing. This would curtail brood rearing and prevent the colony from reaching full strength and productiveness. The experiment followed a randomized block design with 4 treatments and 4 replications. Treatments were: A = feeding with sugar syrup plus protein supplement made of soybean flour with 25% of pollen; B = feeding with sugar syrup only; C = colonies fed only protein supplement; D = control colonies, not fed. The results, in honey production of one season were: group B yielded 70% more than group D and group A, 15% more than B. Statistical analysis showed to be significant (P < 0.05) the difference between A or B and D. It was concluded that, although stimulative feeding alone boosts the honey yield, the addiction of protein supplement will lead to better and safer result.Downloads
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