compaction, infiltration, mechanization.Abstract
Cattle grazing and the use of machines for different operations such as tillage, sowing, cropping and harvesting in Brazilian soils have been indicated as the main cause of soil compaction. This effect reduces root growth and development and increases the loss of nitrogen due to denitrification and soil erosion due to reduced water infiltration. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical attributes and basic water infiltration rate in a Regolithic Neosol under pasture submitted to different types of management (extensive grazing and mechanical forage harvesting). The study was conducted on the Roçadinho Farm, municipality of Capoeiras, Agreste de Pernambuco, under Buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliares L.) in a continuous grazing system of cattle, with an average stocking rate of 2 animal units (dairy cows with a mean live weight of 450 kg), and under growth of the same forage. Both areas were established more than 5 years ago, with mechanical forage harvesting where the harvester is coupled to the tractor and with trailer hitch. A completely randomized experimental design was used, with application of the F test at a 5% level of significance. Continuous grazing resulted in greater penetration resistance and bulk density and lower soil porosity compared to the area submitted to mechanical forage harvesting, as well as a lower basic soil infiltration rate. Animal trampling causes greater soil compaction than mechanical forage harvesting. Consequently, the extensive pasture area exhibits greater penetration resistance and bulk density and a lower total porosity and water infiltration rate in the superficial soil layer.Downloads
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