Pelletization with inoculant, molibdenum and Morocco rock phosphate, combined with phosphatic fertilization in the soil upon the establisment of centrosema in a Cerrado soil
In a greenhouse pot trial, at the Instituto de Zootecnia, Nova Odessa, State of São Paulo, it was studied. from September, 1979, to January, 1980, in a 24 factorial arrangement, the effects of inoculation, molibdenum and Morocco rock phosphate applied as seed coat and two levels of single superphosphate applied in the soil (20 and 100kg of P2O5 per hectare). The molibdenum source was sodium molibdate and the Rhizobium strain was a specific one for the legume used (Centrosema pubeeas Benth.). The soil, classified as a Quartzous Sand (63% vi coarse sand, 25% of tine sand and 12% of clay), was taken from the County of Brotas, State of São Paulo, in a place covered of cerrado vegetation. It was done two harvests in the experiment, inoculation brought about great increases in the nodulation, nitrogen percentage, nitrogen content and dry matter yield of the legume. Molibdenum, used as seed coat. Also caused significant increases in the nodulation, nitrogen percentage and nitrogen content, and showed a positive interaction with inoculation for nitrogen percentage and nitrogen content of centro. Morocco rock phosfate, applied as seed coat did not low significant effect in any of the parameters studied. The higher level of single superphosphate applied in the sou resulted in significant increases in the nodulation, nitrogen percentage and nitrogen content in the first harvest and in the nodulation, in the second harvest. The interaction superphosphate x inoculation was signficant for dry matter yield, nitrogen percentage, nitrogen content and nodulation was centro in the first harvest. The study of this interaction showed that the effect of inoculation was much higher in the presence of the higher level of superphosphate than in the presence vi the lower level of this fertilizer.Downloads
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