Repeated measures in the study of growth and ultrasound carcass traits in cross heifers
hip height, longissimus muscle area, chest circumference, covariance structure, ordinary polynomialsAbstract
The aim of this paper was to study the development of carcass traits obtained by ultrasound, weight, chest circumference and hip height by longitudinal data of two genetic groups of heifers. These data were analyzed by different structures of residual (co)variance consider homogeneity or heterogeneity of (co)variances to better represent the variability between and within individual observations over the time. The traits were obtained in 60 animals ½ Braunvieh x ¼ Santa Gertrudes x ¼ Nelore and 60 animals ½ Santa Gertrudes x ½ Nelore. The traits were evaluated at intervals of 28 days. The comparison was done with several models, based on the criterion SBC (Schwarz€™s Bayesian Criterion) with the goal of identifying structures of residual (co)variance more appropriate to best represent the variation of the measures within individuals. Later, as the animals were measured at different ages, it was evaluated the most appropriate model to regress these traits as a function of age, using ordinary polynomials and verifying the need for different curves for each genetic group. The results indicated that it should consider different structures of residual (co)variance to better represent the variability between and within individualobservations. For weight, hip height, chest circumference and longissimus muscle area traits there are differences in the genetic group over the time.Downloads
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