Identification and phenotypic characterization of genetic groups of the girolando breed in dairy herds of the state of Roraima




animal breeding, heterosis, phenotype


Dairy farming in the state of Roraima, Brazil, is majorly supported by Holstein x Gir crossbred cattle, which are more adapted to the tropical climate and traditional production systems. However, there is a need to adapt the genetic groups to production systems and raise awareness of the importance of using visual phenotypic assessments as an auxiliary tool in obtaining and selecting animals. This study proposes to identify the frequency and characterize the phenotype of the ¼ Hol + ¾ Gir; …œ Hol + … Gir; ½ Hol + ½ Gir; … Hol + …œ Gir; ¾ Hol + ¼ Gir; and …ž Hol + …› Gir genetic groups of the Girolando breed in herds in the state of Roraima. Data were obtained from visual morphological evaluations to identify the genetic groups and characterize the phenotype of the animals from August 2016 to February 2017. According to the evaluations, the frequency distribution of the genetic groups was as follows: 210 (21.26%) of the ¼ Hol + ¾ Gir group; 145 (14.68%) of the …œ Hol + … Gir group; 249 (25.20%) of the ½ Hol ½ Gir group; 166 (16.80%) of the … Hol + …œ Gir group; 126 (12.75%) of the ¾ Hol + ¼ Gir group; and 92 (9.3%) of the …ž Hol + …› Gir group. In the phenotypic evaluations, statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were detected in the ¾ Hol + ¼ Gir genetic group for overall appearance (OA); in … Hol + …œ Gir and …ž Hol + …› Gir for Body Capacity (BC); in ½ Hol + ½ Gir for Dairy Traits (DT); and in ¾ Hol + ¼ Gir and …ž Hol + …› Gir for Reproductive System and Feet-Leg Structure (RS/FL). The ½ Hol + ½ Gir genetic group was superior for BC, DT and RS/FL, being best classified as to the Girolando breed type and revealing better characterization and uniformity per selection process.


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How to Cite

Identification and phenotypic characterization of genetic groups of the girolando breed in dairy herds of the state of Roraima. (2020). Bulletin of Animal Husbandry, 77, 1-10.