Effect of the additives milk whey, lactobacillus casei and l. Acidophillus on the quality of sorghum silage


  • L. L. Schumacher Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • J. Viégas Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • S. N. Pereira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • T. J. Tonin Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • L. T. Rocha Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • R. Bermudes Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Programa de Pós Graduação em Zootecnia, Pelotas, RS
  • R. P. Carpes Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Curso de Agronomia, Santa Maria, RS




silage, fermentation, grass, by-product


With the aim to evaluate the effects of the use of additives (milk whey and inoculant containing Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus acidophillus) in sorghum silage, an experiment was conducted in which the productive parameters, fermentative and the nutritional quality of silage were analyzed. The experimental design was completely randomized, testing different levels of inclusion of whey and live Lactobacillus strains based on forage green matter, constituting the following treatments: 1) Sorghum without inclusion of additives (CON); 2) Sorghum + 5 x 102 cfu/g L. casei and L. acidophillus (LAC); 3) Sorghum 5 x 102 cfu g-1 whey (SL); 4) Sorghum + 5x102 cfu/g-1 L. casei and L. acidophillus and 5x102 cfu/g whey (LAC + SL). When Lactobacillus was included the mixture used was 50 ml of water and 10 grams of Lactobacillus. To measure silage fermentation, pH, dry matter recovery, gas and effluent losses, ammonia nitrogen, buffer power and density were estimated. The addition of whey and Lactobacillus inoculant in sorghum silage did not significantly change the bromatological values of silage when compared to the original material. The inclusion of additives increased (P <0.05) the effluent losses during fermentation. The use of whey presents a viable alternative for producers, as it does not compromise the fermentation and chemical composition of sorghum silage and assists in the reduction of dairy residues in nature.


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How to Cite

Effect of the additives milk whey, lactobacillus casei and l. Acidophillus on the quality of sorghum silage. (2019). Bulletin of Animal Husbandry, 76, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.17523/bia.2019.v76.e1455

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