Feed restriction and quality carcass in swine
slaughter, feed, gain ratio, backfat thickness, genetics, sexAbstract
The demand of the market for carcasses of swine with more meat and less fat has been addressing the search for races and the selection of more specialized lineages in the production of thin meat. Other fields of the animal production have also been developed in the sense of providing the obtaining of swine with larger proportion of thin meat. Besides the genetic capacity for production of thin meat, other factors interfere in the quality of the swine carcass, be them mainly the sexual category, the alive weight, the environmental conditions and the energy density of the ration. The feed restriction, or by other words, the control of the intake (mainly of energy) of the animal can be a tool for obtaining swine carcasses of better quality. The knowledge of the pattern of tecidual deposition for the animal, mainly during their growth and finishing phases (±30 kg until the slaughter), is vital for the maximization of production and obtaining of good carcasses.
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