Management of Dairy Calves and Heifers and the Economic Impact on First Lactation



Palabras clave:

Cattle farming, dairy farming, primiparous


Management of calves and heifers directly influence the future productivity of dairy animals. However, the pre-production stage is often neglected by farmers, as young cows do not yet produce milk and, therefore, revenue, while representing an important part of the total cost of the property. This study aimed to identify and determine the economic value of factors influencing the production in the first lactation of heifers in a herd. This was a case study carried out on a family property in the municipality of Patrocínio, state of Minas Gerais, using data from 54 heifers. Qualitative characteristics (sire, maternal grandsire, amount of colostrum consumed, antibiotics use on the first day of life; application of prostaglandin to induce estrus, application of prostaglandin for resynchronization, use of progesterone implant for resynchronization, occurrence of retention of placenta and/or abortion, induction of lactation) and quantitative characteristics (weight at 90 days, average daily gain at 90 days and age at first mating) were evaluated. Variables influencing the production in the first lactation were the application of antibiotics, retained placenta, induction of lactation and age at mating. The differences in milk revenue were -R$ 2,381.21 for the use of antibiotics in each female, -R$ 299.85 for each heat loss for the first mating, -R$ 5,043.11 for each lactation induction, -R$6,841.16 for each retained placenta with abortion and -R$1,060.96 for each case of retained placenta without abortion. Knowing the productive and economic consequences of each of these items provides the producer with subsidies for decision making, such as planning management strategies that avoid such losses, and choosing options to maximize the economic efficiency of production.


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Cómo citar

Management of Dairy Calves and Heifers and the Economic Impact on First Lactation. (2022). Boletín De Industria Animal, 79, 1-14.

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