Pressing of forage and addition of ground corn ears at the ensiling of elephantgrass. 1-Composition of the forage prior to ensiling


  • João Batista de Andrade Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Estado de São Paulo, Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios, Instituto de Zootecnia, Nova Odessa, SP
  • Evaldo Ferrari Junior Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Estado de São Paulo, Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios, Instituto de Zootecnia, Nova Odessa, SP
  • Vanderley Benedito de Oliveira Leite Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Estado de São Paulo, Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios, Instituto de Zootecnia, Nova Odessa, SP
  • José Narciso Sobrinho Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Piracicaba, SP
  • Vicente Paulo Martelo Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Estado de São Paulo, Coordenadoria de Assistência Técnica Integral, Campinas, SP


buffering capacity, dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, crude protein, soluble carbohydrat


The effect of forage pressing and addition of ground corn ears on the ensiling of elephantgrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) cv. Guaçu, cut a two ages, were evaluated in a randomized block design with three replicates. The treatments were arranged in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial: two ages, two forage types (fresh and pressed) and two levels of ground corn ears (O e 6%). After the uniformization cuts, 01/28/97 and 02/17/1997, the grass was fertilized with 80 kg of P2O5 and 100 kg of N and K20/ha. The forage was cut on 04/18/l997 and the fresh and pressed forages, with or without ground corn ears, were ensiled in 200n liters vessels. The pressing was achieved by regulating the pressure at approximately 10 kg/cm2. Both the pressing and addition of ground corn ears increased the dry matter content of material prior to ensiling. Pressing caused a small reduction in soluble carbohydrate content and an increase of neutral detergent fiber but decreased buffering capacity.


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How to Cite

Pressing of forage and addition of ground corn ears at the ensiling of elephantgrass. 1-Composition of the forage prior to ensiling. (2013). Bulletin of Animal Husbandry, 55(1), 71-79.

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