Uterus involution and first oestrus postpartum of Gyr cows selected for milk production
bovine gyr, uterus involution, post partum, oestrusAbstract
Data from weekly retal palpations, obtained from the 5th day after calving until the complete uterine involution, of 100 Gir cows, selected for milk production and belonging to Estação Experimental de Zootecnia de Ribeirão Preto were collected from June/86 to June/87. To study some factors that affect the reproductive efficiency of this breed, it was observed the involution of some structures of the reproductive tract and the return oestrus. The traits considered were: calving-vagina involution interval (IPIVA), calving-vulva involution interval (IPIVU), calving-cervix involution interval (IPICE), calving-uterus involution interval (IPIU); first heat pos-partum (IPCIO); days open (PS) and number of services per conception (NSC). The observed overall means and standard deviations (days) for these traits were respectively 10.4 and 6.8 for IPVU; 12.3 and 8.7 for IPIVA 28.7 and 11.6 for IPICE; 40.6 and 12.5 for IPIU; 92.9 and 48.3 for IPICIO; 145.1 and 90.4 for PS; 1.8 and 1.3 for NSC. The statistical models utilized in the analysis of variance included the fixed effects of calving season, the calfs birth weight and lactation number. Calving season significantly affected NSC and PS (P < 0.10) and IPICIO (P < 0.05). Birth weight affected IPIU (P < 0.10) and IPIVA (P <0.05) and lactation number just affected IPIVA (P < 0.01).Downloads
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