Utilization of a thermal comfort index in bioclimatic zoning for sheep raising


  • Orlando Rus Barbosa Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Departamento de Zootecnia, PR
  • Roberto Gomes da Silva Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Departamento de Melhoramento Genético Animal, Jaboticabal, SP
  • José Scolar Universidade Estadual Paulista, IPMET, Bauru, SP
  • José Maurício Franco Guedes Universidade Estadual Paulista, IPMET, Bauru, SP


sheep, bioclimatic zoning, thermal comfort index


The thermal comfort index was utilized in bioclimatic zoning for sheep raising in the states of São Paulo and Parana. Isolines of Ta, U, wand insolation (η) were drawn using 10 year averages (from 1983 to 1992). The Thermal Comfort Index (ICT) isolines were obtained multiplying the set of meteorological averages that characterized each place, in every month of the year,by the chosen index, ei, thus obtaining the Y1 value which summarizes all environmental elements and characterizing the environment. The months of January, May, JuIy and October were selected for representing better the seasons of the year, based on the values of relative humidity (U), and thermal comfort index ICT values were computed for 33 locationsin São Paulo and 32 ones in Paraná, and with these values it s drawn isolines for the four seasons. West and Northwest regions of São Paulo (including the cities of Presidente Prudente. Araçatuba and São José do Rio Preto) and the Northwest part of Paraná (including the cities of Nova Esperança, Paranavai and Nova Londrina) were considered the best for the Polwarth breed, because of their çharacteristics of high temperature and low humidity. From the seashore to 200 km inland (limited by the cities of Itapeva, Tatui, Campinas and Caconde, in São Paulo; and by Castro, Telemaco Borba, Laranjeiras do Sul, Pato Branco, in Paraná), it is possible to maintain Suffolk and Corriedale sheep. The central parts of both states (cities of Botucatu, Piracicaba, Casa Branca, Ribeirão Preto, Jaboticabal, Barretos, Catanduva, Marilía and Assis, in São Paulo; Palotina, Umuarama, Maringá, Londrina, Cambará, Jaguariaíva, Pitanga and Francisco Beltrão, in Paraná) are good for Corriedale sheep, but in some extent also for Suffolk sheep raised for meat. This breed could also be managed in regions suitable for Ideal, since confinement conditions are observed.


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How to Cite

Utilization of a thermal comfort index in bioclimatic zoning for sheep raising. (2014). Bulletin of Animal Husbandry, 52(1), 37-47. http://bia.iz.sp.gov.br/index.php/bia/article/view/802

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