Effect of dehorn in: Mediterranean and Jafarabadi water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) finished in feedlot
dehorn, water buffaloes, feedlot, carcass weight, dressing percentageAbstract
The present study was carried out by Instituto dc Zootecnia, SP, Brazil, at Posto Experimental de Zootecnia de Castilho, SP. The animals were kept on Panicum maximum, Jacq. pastures, up to an average age of 480 days. After this age, they were transfered to Estaçao Experimental de Zootecnia de Andradina, SP, where they were kept in a feed lot from 500 until 606 days. The births occurred from February to June 1989, and the dehorning took place in the first or second day after birth. The calves were maintained with their mothers until weaning, which happened with seven months old, receiving all usual health care. Random blocks design with 2 x2 factorial scheme (Mediterranean and Jafarabadi x dehorned and horny) was utilized in the statistical analysis of feed lot average daily gain, weight at slaughter and weight of head and carcass traits. the two breeds, Mediterranean and Jafarabadi, showed, respectively, the following adjusted weights: 39.50 and 38.30kg(P> 0,05) at birth; 308.62 and 330.49kg(P< 0.05) at 365 days; 349.94 and 356.44kg (P> 0.05) at 480 days and 1.04 and 1.01 kg/day(P> 0.05) in the feedlot average daily gains, There was no significant differences between horny and dehorned animals for adjusted weights at birth, at 365 and 480 days and for feedlot average daily gains. In the other hand, concerning the traits of economic importance (slaughter and hot carcass weights) dehorned animals showed better results (P< 0.05), with 486.25 and 257.00kg, than the horned ones, with only 459.93 and 239.08kg, respectively.Downloads
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