Effects of liming and micronutrient addition on forage legumes. II. Centro and galaxia grown in pots
In a greenhouse experiment at the Instituto de Zootecnia at Nova Odessa. SP. Brazil, centro (Centrosena pubescens Benth.) and galaxia (Galactia striata (Jacq.) Urb.) were grown n a Red-Yellow Podzolic Soil Laras variation. Four levels of dolomitic limestone (0; 0.83; 1.66 and 2.49 tons per hectare) were applied and a factorial 22 with Mo and B plus Cu plus Zn was studied within each level of liming. It was found that dry matter yield, nodulation and total amount of nitrogen in galaxia in the first Cut and centro were increased with levels rates. Maximum values were to be expected with levels higher than the maximum used in this experiment. In the second cut of galaxia, these three parameters showed a variation like a third degree equation. The highest amount of total nitrogen would be expected when 0.72 ton of limestone per hectare was used. With this amount of lime pH was 5.05; exchangeable Al = 0.45meq/l00ml, V = 23.2 and aluminum saturation = 33.2%. Molybdenum was the micronutrient that caused the greatest response in the legumes and the joint application of B, Cu and Zn caused an increase in B concentration in the aerial parts of the pants irrespective of the level of limestone. Liming brought about significant changes in the mineral composition of the legumes.Downloads
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