Carcass measurements as indicators of meat production in dairy cattle


  • Luciano Ricardo Marcondes da Silva Instituto de Zootecnia, Estação Experimental de Zootecnia de Pindamonhangaba, SP
  • Pedro Biondi Instituto de Zootecnia, Estação Experimental de Zootecnia de Pindamonhangaba, SP
  • Ernesto Augusto Nogueira de Freitas Instituto de Zootecnia, Divisão de Zootecnia de Bovinos Leiteiros, Nova Odessa, SP
  • Wallace Newton Scott Instituto de Zootecnia, Assessoria Técnica de Programação, Nova Odessa, SP
  • José Roberto Cosentino Instituto de Zootecnia, Estação Experimental de Zootecnia de Pindamonhangaba, SP


32 males of dairy head cattle (3/4 purebreed to purebreed), were carcass evaluated in group at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months of age. The total quantity of carcass meat were highly correlated with the total quantities of forewarm, round and 9ª - 10ª - 11ª. rib cuts. Total quantities of carcass bone were highly correlated with total bones of forewarm and round cuts. The loin eye area positively correlated to the total quantity of meat at 12 and 24 months of age. The weight of hot half-carcass presented highly correlation with the total quantities of meat and bone, in the four ages of considered slaughter. The muscle growth increased of the 18 and 24 months, of the 12 to 18, were observed a decreased of the 18 to 24. The bone growth increased of the 6 to 12 months and of the 12 to 18 was been observed a decreased after 18 months. The total quantities of carcass muscle can be stimated by forewarm, round and 9ª - 10ª - 11ª. rib cuts. With relation of bone stimates, only the forewarm and round cuts shown efficients. With relation fat stimates, anyone method will be indicated.


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How to Cite

Carcass measurements as indicators of meat production in dairy cattle. (2014). Bulletin of Animal Husbandry, 40(2), 173-188.

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