Behavior of four different mixed pastures in the Southeast part of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. II. Animal production
The grazing experiment was carried out from December, 1980 to October, 1985, at Nova Odessa County, State of São Paulo, Brazil, aiming to select among four different mixed pastures the one (s) more suitable (s) for the Southern Region of the State of São Paulo. It was used the continuous grazing system with three stocking rates varying along the year. It was studied the relations animal x pasture, the seasonal variations of the animal production and accumulated liveweight gains, besides the potencial animal production, throught the grazing production curves. For the pattern mixed pasture (green + calopo) the predicted stockung rate for the maximum liveweight daily gala per hectare, during the year, was 1.52 AU/ha, with liveweight daily gains of 601 g/AU and 914 g/ha, being the amount for forage on offer in terms of dry matter equal to 1.010 kg/ AU and 1.536 kg/ha. In the comparison of the potential animal roduction of the pattem mixture with the other mixed pasture studied (kazungula setaria + Galactia striata, niversdale + siratro and makueni + stylo), it was verified by results of co-variance analysis that they did not differ statistically.Downloads
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