Productive performance of dairy heifers supplemented in the dry season differed pasture, under two stoking rates
desenvolvimento corporal, pastejo, recria de novilhas, suplementaçãoAbstract
The objective was to evaluate the characteristics of productive performance of crossbred Holstein x Gir heifers grazing on Brachiaria brizantha differed (Hochst. A. Rich.) Stapf. cv. Marandu managed in a rotational stocking, during the dry season of the year. The treatments evaluated were stocking rate of 1.0 UA / ha and 6.0 g / kg body weight (BW) / day and stocking rate of 2.0 UA / ha and 12.0 g / kg BW / day-energy protein supplement. The heifers had a average age of 17.46 ± 3.74 months and BW averaging 304.83 ± 33.7 kg and were distributed to a randomized block. The animals were weighed and measured for height at the withers (HW), heart girth (HG), rump length (RL) and body condition score (BCS). The BW average batch was used for the calculations to adjust the amount of supplement offered. It was found that the performance of heifers that were subjected to stocking with 2 UA/ha and 12.0 g / kg BW had higher average daily gain (0.579 kg / animal) in comparison to those undergoing stocking with 1 UA/ha and 6.0 g / kg BW (0.361 kg / animal). With respect to the development of animal body, it was found that the initial HG, initial and final HW, the initial RL and BCS did not differ between combinations of stocking rates and levels of supplementation. The heifers showed better productive performance in situations differed pastures, with 2 UA/ha and 12.0g/kg BW/day the protein-energetic supplement.
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