Influence of inadequate sttuning during swine slaughter on the meat physical-chemical properties




slaughter, color, WHC, electrocution, pH


The objective of study was to evaluate the influence of inadequate sttuning during the swine slaughter in color, pH, and water loss of meat. After electric sttuning of animals in a slaugtherhouse under SIF of the Zona da Mata region, Minas Gerais, stunning parameters were evaluated in 3,347 slaughtered swines. The parameters evaluated were the absence of eyelid reflexes, ear reflexes, screams, pedaling in the forelimbs and arrhythmic breathing. After the full 16 hours of slaughter and storage of carcases in a cold chamber at 2°C, transverse fragments Longissimus dorsi muscle were obtained from randomly selected animals and properly (n=12) and improperly (n=12) sttuninged animals. The meat samples were evaluated for pH, Water Holding Capacity (WHC). Of the 3,347 slaughtered swines, 272 (8.13%) showed at least some sign of inadequate sttuning. It was observed that the 24 meat samples had mean pH of 6.06, mean loss water of 24.74% and mean score of 3.64 evaluated in color scale. The mean pH of meat obtained from animals improperly sttuninged (6.11) was greater (p<0.05) than the mean pH of animal properly sttuninged (6.01). The lower pH of meat causes lower color score and WHC (p<0.05). Therefore, the meat obtained from improperly sttuninged swine has a higher pH, which results in darker meat and low WHC.


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How to Cite

Influence of inadequate sttuning during swine slaughter on the meat physical-chemical properties. (2020). Bulletin of Animal Husbandry, 77, 1-10.