Chance of female dairy cattle allocating more time to feeding




ingestive behavior, intake, logistic regression, NDF, odds ratio


The objective of this study was to evaluate the likelihood of factors inherent to the animal and food to increase the feeding time of dairy cows during the day. For this purpose, we evaluated all articles published in Brazil from 2000 to 2018, retrieved through SciELO and Google Scholars. The following search term was used: €œingestive behavior of dairy cows€. Thirty-four articles were retrieved. Articles reporting the genetic group and/or breed of the animals, cow weight, intake data, and bromatological characteristics of the diet were included in the database. After this screening, nine articles were selected. The variables were analyzed by logistic regression using the LOGISTIC procedure available in SAS. The parameters were evaluated using odds ratios, in which the change in the likelihood of longer feeding time was estimated from the function of unit increases in the regressive variables. The percentage of European breeds and NDF intake increased with increasing body weight and there was an increase in the likelihood of longer feeding time. Dry matter intake has an inverse effect on feeding time; the time cows spend feeding decreases as intake increases. Feeding time is influenced by characteristics related to the animal and diet.


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Author Biographies

  • B. C. Morais, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina – Campus Canoinhas, Canoinhas, SC, Brasil

    Aluna do Curso de Alimentos do Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina - Campus Canoinhas

  • V. Y. Takayosi, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina – Campus Canoinhas, Canoinhas, SC, Brasil

    Aluno do Curso Técnico em Agroecologia do Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina - Campus Canoinhas

  • J. O. Veiga, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina – Campus Canoinhas, Canoinhas, SC, Brasil

    Graduação em Alimentos pelo Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina - Campus Canoinhas






How to Cite

Chance of female dairy cattle allocating more time to feeding. (2020). Bulletin of Animal Husbandry, 77, 1-12.

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