Fermentation losses and chemical composition in mixed silages of elephant grass and cassava peels with mango residue


  • M. S. Mello Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia
  • J. L. Silva Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia
  • A. A. C. Ferreira Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia
  • R. F. Santos Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia
  • M. A. Ferreira Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
  • M. C. B. Siqueira Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
  • J. G. Inácio Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
  • A. J. B. Pimentel Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia




crude protein, density, ensiling, effluent loss, sensory evaluation


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of different levels of mango residue (0, 10, 20 and 30% natural matter) in the mixed silages of elephant grass and cassava peels. The material was ensiled for 60 days in polyvinyl chloride "PVC" experimental bags. There was a maximum loss (P<0.05) of the effluent of 48.5 kg/ton of natural matter with the inclusion of 24.3% of mango residue in the elephant grass silage and cassava peel. Maximum dry matter (DM) loss (P<0.05) of 22.1% and minimum DM recovery (P<0.05) of 78.9% were found with the inclusion of 21.1% and 21.4% of mango residue. Quadratic behavior (P<0.05) was observed for the chemical composition of the silages, with minimum DM content (29.2%) and non-fibrous carbohydrates (37.6% NFC), and maximum crude protein (9.64% CP) and neutral detergent fiber (41.6% NDF) contents, with the inclusion of 23.5%, 8.90%, 10.7%, and 9.11% of mango residue, respectively. In the sensory evaluation regarding the characteristics associated with the nutritional value, the classification "good to very good" was recorded for the silages where the elephant grass and the cassava peels were added with 10% and 20% of mango residue. The inclusion of 10.7% of natural mango residue in elephant grass and cassava peel silages is enough to improve crude protein content, with lower effluent loss.


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How to Cite

Fermentation losses and chemical composition in mixed silages of elephant grass and cassava peels with mango residue. (2019). Bulletin of Animal Husbandry, 76, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.17523/bia.2019.v76.e1451

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