Correlation among the main parameters of eggshell quality analysis of hen and quail eggs




eggshell thickness, specific gravity, percentage of eggshell, breaking strength


Using 60 hens eggs and 60 fresh quail eggs, an experiment was conducted at the UFRRJ, which analyzed the correlation between egg shell quality measurements using the following methodologies: specific gravity, breaking resistance, shell percentage and shell thickness. For hen`s laying eggs, the specific gravity showed a greater correlation with the shell thickness compared to the other methodologies; the resistance to breaking, correlated better with the percentage of egg shell and the percentage of egg shell, with the thickness of this structure. In quail eggs, there was no correlation between the specific gravity and the other peel quality analyzes, only a correlation between the resistance to breaking with percentage and thickness of the peel occurred, being this correlation slightly higher for the first compared to the second . In chicken eggs the specific gravity method used in commercial farms was adequate to indicate a good peel quality, due to its greater correlation with the thickness method. For quail eggs, the specific gravity method needs to be adapted in its methodology for the morphology of eggs of this species.


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How to Cite

Correlation among the main parameters of eggshell quality analysis of hen and quail eggs. (2019). Bulletin of Animal Husbandry, 76, 1-6.

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