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Author Guidelines


LANGUAGE: Articles may be written in Portuguese or in English. In the former case,  if accepted for publication, translation into English is mandatory.

MANUSCRIPT FORMAT: Manuscript must be typed in A4 sheets (21.0 x 29.7cm)  with margins of  3 cm right and left and 2.5 cm superior and inferior , Book Antiqua, size 11, spacing 1.5 and paragraphs starting from 1.0 cm from left margin. Lines should be numbered consecutively and pages must be numbered also. File must be Microsoft Word compatible. Manuscript must have a maximum of 30 pages, including figures, tables and references. 


Title: must be concise, informative and it must have less than 20 words, it must be bold and centered. Grants must be at the Acknowledgments.

Author names and Affiliations: Please provide complete names of all the authors and the name of corresponding author should be represented with asterisk (*) and an email must be provided after affiliations.  Affiliations should be cited in order in a overwritten number, at the end of each author’s name, in arabic numbers. Please provide Institutional Affiliation, including address and name of the city, State abbreviation and country, all separated by comma. Do not include the position occupied in the institution.  E-mail, phone number and Fax of the corresponding author.

Abstract should be written in complete sentences and should not have more than 2500 characters including spaces. Font 10. It should contain a very brief account of the material and methods, results, discussion and conclusion with statistical evidences, (P?0.05 u P?0.05) so that the reader need not refer to the article except for details. It should not have references to literature, illustration and tables.

Keywords: not more than 5 should be given after the abstract, in alphabetic order.

Introduction should be brief and limited to the statement of problem or the aim of the experiment with a maximum of 3,500 characters including spaces. References must be new but some classic references are alowed. Do not use abstracts from scientific meetings, as well as dissertations or Thesis.

Materials and methods should contain details of animals, experimental design and techniques. Where the method is well known, the citation of works is sufficient. In case of use of animals, the approval of Ethical Committee must be cited. In case of organisms Genetically Modified (OGM), the approval of its Biosecurity Committee is also needed. Statistical methods used should be clearly described and stated with citations.

Results and Discussion should be combined but it can be presented separated. Result(s) mean with relevant Standard error should be presented rather than detailed data. Results should be supported by brief table/graphic or pictorial representation and should carry appropriate title. The discussion should relate to the limitations or advantage of the author’s experiments in comparison with the works or other.

Conclusions: according to the hypothesis formulated at the beginning of the manuscript.

Acknowledgments: These should be kept to a minimum consistent with the requirements of courtesy and disclosure, and must cited the grants and scholarships.

References: see rules.

Tables and Figures: must be presented at the end of references, according to the display in the text. Make sure tables have footnotes, with details. Tables must be indicated with Arabic numbers. And it must be adjusted to the size of the page.  Figures must have 8 cm wide, and it must be editable, for example, using Excell. Fonts must be Book Antiqua, 10. No bold, and boards on table must  be ¾ pt.  Make sure data is not repeated in figures and Tables.

Units: It will follow the international rules for units and names. (SI) Styles and units as temperature, percentage must not have space. For ex.:  50% and not 50 %; 30°C and not 30 °C. Other units (size: cm, m)( mass: t, kg or g)( time: h, min, s) must have space between number and unit ( Ex: 10 m, 20 t, 100 g, 16:00 h, 40 min, 60 s. Fractionated units must be showed with the bar . Ex: kg/ha not kg ha-1.

Citation in the text:

 Important: must be cited published papers from peer review Journals. Avoid abstracts, Thesis and dissertations. Citations must be in Book Antiqua, Barger (2011) or (BARGER, 2011); Two authors: Pedreira and Melotti (2013) or (PEDREIRA and MELOTTI, 2013); Citation with 3 or more authors: Rocha et al. (2012) or (ROCHA et al., 2012). When more than one paper from same author and same year is cited, add letters, in the text and in the references: Silva et al. (2012a) ou (SILVA et al., 2012b).

.For more than one paper in the sentence, follow the chronological order and alphabetic order: (SILVA et al., 2016; BONILHA et al., 2017; CYRILLO et al., 2017).Collective Organizations must be written in upper case (Ex. EMBRAPA, 2016).

REFERENCES:  the references must be cited in alphabetic order, according to ABNT format - NBR 6023.All authors must be cited. Do not use et al in the references. References must contain DOI number, when it is available.


  • papers

CATTANI, M.; GUZZO, N.; MANTOVANI, R.; BAILONI, L. Effects of total replacement of corn silage with sorghum silage on milk yield, composition, and quality. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, v.8, p.15, 2017.

  SILVA, E.; GUILHERME, M.F.S.; OLIVEIRA, H.M.; ARAÚJO, L.N.C.P.; VIANA, Z.C.V.; SANTOS, V.L.C.S. Ecotoxicological effects of cadmium on the germination and initial development of Schinus terebinthifolius. Revista de Ciências Agrárias, Lisboa, v.40, 2017.


  • books

 BRASIL. Ministério da Pesca e Aquicultura. Boletim Estatístico da pesca e aquicultura. Brasília, 2011. 60p. TORRES, D.A.P.; LIMA FILHO, J.R.L.; BELARMINO, L.C. (ed.). Competitividade de cadeias agroindustriais brasileiras. Brasília, DF: Embrapa, 2013. 191p.

 ALMEIDA, J.; PEIXOTO, C.P.; LEDO, C.A.S. A palma forrageira no estado da Bahia: diagnóstico, recomendações técnicas e uso na alimentação animal e humana. Salvador, BA: EBDA, 2013. 53p. (Circular técnica, 13).


  • books chapters

 PAES, A.C. Tuberculose bovina. In: PIRES, A.V. (ed.) Bovinocultura de corte. 1.ed. Piracicaba: FEALQ, 2010, p.993-1017.


  • When the author is also the editor:

 STOREY, D.M.; ZUMBE, A. Physiology, metabolism and tolerance of digestible and low-digestible carbohydrates. In: . Handbook of starch hydrolysis products and their derivatives, 1995. p. 178-229.


  • Collective Organizations

BRASIL. Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. Regras para análise de sementes. Brasília: MAPA/ACS, 2009. 395p.

 UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE VIÇOSA – UFV. Sistema de análises estatísticas e genéticas: versão 8.0. Viçosa, MG, 2000. 142 p.

  EMPRESA BRASILEIRA DE PESQUISA AGROPECUÁRIA - EMBRAPA. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Solos. Sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos. Rio de Janeiro: Embrapa Produção de Informação, 2009. 412p.

  NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL – NRC. Nutrient requirement of dairy cow. 7.ed. Washington: National Academy Press, 2001. p.21-349.


  • Laws and edicts

BRASIL. Ministério da Saúde. Divisão Nacional de Vigilncia Sanitária de Alimentos. Portaria nº. 1, de 04 de abril de 1986. In: ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DAS INDÚSTRIAS DE ALIMENTAÇÃO. Compêndio da legislação de alimentos. São Paulo: ABIA, 1987. v.1.

 BRASIL. Lei nº. 9.887, de 7 de dezembro de 1999. Altera a legislação tributária federal. Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil, Brasília, DF, 8 dez. 1999. Accessed:  feb. 26,  2017.



SAS INSTITUTE Inc. SAS/STAT. User’s guide, version 9.1. Cary: SAS Institute, 2005. BENTLEY INSTRUMENTS. ChemSpeck 150: user´s guide. Chaska: Bentley Instruments, 1998. 17p. Updated version in Jun 15, 2018.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

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