Characterization and potential use of olive pies from different extractions and industries in ruminant feeding
carbohydrate fractions, co-products, lipids, Olea europaea L. , phenolic compoundsResumo
This work aimed to characterize coproducts from extra virgin olive oil extraction, its chemical composition and nutritive value of two olive cultivars (Arbequina and Koroneiki) in industries in Brazil Southern region. Sampling from cultivar Arbequina was done at two moments (time 0 and 48h post processing) and from cultivar Koroneiki, only at time zero was sampled. The composition of the two cultivars was different, as expected. Higher levels of carbohydrates (CHO) and lower levels of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contributed to improve in situ degradability (61.0 vs 43.5% ) of Koroneiki cultivar. Both co-products obtained on the day of processing showed high levels of lignin, which led to a lower level of in situ degradability of the NDF (21.1%). High levels of EE (19.4% DM), total phenols (FT; 1.8% DM), total tannins (TT; 1.11% DM) and TDN (72.7% DM) were also observed. These results demonstrate that the byproduct represents a potential source of lipids and phenolic compounds that can be used to adjust diets as well as the aggregation of functional molecules in meat and milk products. The care in obtaining and preserving the product is important because the material obtained 48 hours after the processing showed losses in the contents of CHO, CNF, FT and TT, which can impair its nutritional value and the potential of use.
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